Update Contact Info
Every year, the district requests parents/guardians review their contact information and make necessary updates.
This is critical to ensure we know how to reach parents/guardians in case of emergency, but also for the key district messages you should receive, such as parent/guardian surveys, invitations to provide feedback, changes in schedules and dates, and important notices like closings/delays. This process is also an annual opportunity for parents/guardians to review student handbooks and other documents intended for parent/guardian review and approval.
During the registration period from mid July to the beginning of the school year, see the enrollment, registration, and records page.
Anytime outside of the registration period, follow the process below.
The Skyward app will not work for this process. This process MUST be completed using an internet browser.
If you already have a Skyward Family Portal account, simply log in and select "Student Info". In the upper right of each students profile, there is a link that says "Request changes for Student Name", click that link and select the section from the drop down and update the new information. Log into Skyward here.
If you do not already have a Skyward Family Portal account, please fill out this form to request family access and we will email your credentials.
If you have forgotten your Skyward password, visit https://sky18.baisd.net/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsEAplus/seplog01.w, click on “Forgot Username or Password?” and follow the instructions.